Simply waiting

It is in the darkness that I find myself,

or more myself finds me.

It is in that which is the easiest to hide,

that I can no longer deceive myself.

The loneliness seeps in,

sleeps in that bed next to me,

a shadow of myself, filled with all my hopes.

I don’t yearn for someone I had or lost,

I never had anyone to lose,

and it’s from that the loneliness seeps;

the giant hole I made in myself

just waiting to let someone in…


Filed under Life, Poetry, Relationships

7 responses to “Simply waiting

  1. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 34 (December 2-8) | Jingle

  2. Jingle

    love the open two lines.
    well done…

    open up and become a member of a poetry community, you will have fun!

    I invite you to participate in poets rally week 34.
    follow the ping back link and place your poem in,
    poetry awards are assigned upon completion.
    Happy Monday!
    The Deadline is Wednesday

  3. wow… i love this. it is how i feel too, but you also write it with such natural flow. thank you…

  4. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 35 (December 16-22) | Jingle

  5. I invite you to attend poets rally week 35, where you share your poetry and make new poetic friends…poetry awards are assigned upon completion.

    let me know when you are ready.
    Merry Christmas…
    Stay Blessed….

  6. very very touching! May someone that u need truly turn up this Christmas for u.. :))
    I am from

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